
EKS Pod Identities Explained: Managing AWS Credentials in Kubernetes Pods

In the latest AWS re:Invent, the EKS team introduced a new feature called Pod Identity. This feature makes it easier to manage IAM credentials in Kubernetes applications. In the past, applications in a pod could use AWS SDK or aws cli to make API requests to AWS services, leveraging AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions. With EKS Pod Identities, there’s now a simpler way to manage credentials for your EKS applications, similar to how Amazon EC2 instance profiles access credentials to interact with other services....

2024-01-10 · 3 min · 587 words · Fady

Securely Accessing Private AWS Resources from GitHub Actions with TailScale

The Problem One of the common problems of CI/CD automation is how to handle private resources without exposing these resources directly to the public or relying on complex VPN setups may not be the ideal solution. Typically, you go with something like OpenVPN, but OpenVPN can be complicated, with something like OpenVPN,you have to set up your own server, and configure, maintain, etc. On the other hand, it takes less than 2 minutes to set up TailScale, Another thing, if you live in a country where OpenVPN is blocked, you don’t have many options....

2023-11-10 · 7 min · 1305 words · Fady
EKS Benefits

EKS Benefits and comparison between EKS vs. self-managed Kubernetes

Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) is a fully managed, cloud-based service that helps to build, secure, and maintain Kubernetes clusters with AWS. It automates functions such as patching, node provisioning, and installing updates. The service allows node management functions for admins, as this allows for greater access control. EKS helps to automatically manage both the availability and scalability of a Kubernetes API server and the etcd persistence layer. Those using AWS who wish to implement Kubernetes have two primary options: self-deployment or utilizing Amazon’s managed service....

2022-10-30 · 3 min · 534 words · Fady
Best practices in EKS

Amazon EKS best practices you should know

In this article, we’ll explore some of the EKS best practices and learn how we can validate our custom resources against these best practices. 1. Make sure your resources limits size are configured the same as requests Pods is scheduled based on requests only, These pods are scheduled based on the resources they request and not on the resources they are allowed to consume. This means that a pod will only be placed on a node if the node’s available capacity can meet the pod’s resource requests....

2022-10-20 · 4 min · 781 words · Fady

Compare Amazon ECS vs. EKS

Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) are both container orchestration services provided by Amazon, but they are designed for different use cases and have distinct features. In this article, we will compare Amazon ECS and EKS in depth to help you decide which service is best for your needs. Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes (EKS) are both container orchestration services provided by Amazon, but they are designed for different use cases and have distinct features....

2022-10-18 · 3 min · 529 words · Fady